Jellybellies French Bulldogs

Bennington, VT

For Nanci….Winston’s agent

The famous New Yorker

The famous New Yorker

Nanci and Winston

W ....................

catching some zzz's

catching some zzz’s

Watching the tube.. Nanci change the channel, I don't have any thumbs!

Watching the tube.. Nanci change the channel, I don’t have any thumbs!

Just Thinkin,,what's on TV

Just Thinkin,,what’s on TV

Exhausted after training Nanci.

Exhausted after training Nanci.

Getting ready to train my human.

Getting ready to train my human.

"Should I stay or should I go?"

“Should I stay or should I go?”

Winston 8 months

Winston 8 months


baby Winston

baby Winston